The project aims to develop high-resolution regional climate model for the Maldives through statistical and dynamic downscaling of Global Climate Models (GCMs) to provide projections for use in national and local planning.
The project aimed for availability of downscaled climate change projections for the Maldives, and capacity within climate-sensitive sectors on use of downscaled projections in national and local level planning. The project contributes to increasing resilience of the Maldives in the face of climate change, and improving capacity to respond effectively to climate-related hazards, under an MHE-UNDP project, funded by the Least Development Country Fund, UNDP, and Government of Maldives.

Key activities included review of climate change modeling information; identification of data sources; stakeholder consultations on most appropriate scenario parameters, emission scenarios, modeling tools, and resolution of model outputs; statistical and dynamic downscaling; model validation and customization; interpretation and translation of climate change projections; communication of findings to national and local level users; training of Maldives Meteorological Services on GIS-based output visualization; preparation of climate change country profile