Strengthening Last Mile Communication in South Asia Region, funded by USAID through UCAR and implemented by RIMES in select locations in Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, is positioned in building climate resilience through improved access and use of early warning information among last mile users in the region.
Leveraging on customized early action plans (EAPs) and early warning services (EWS), this initiative connects an ecosystem of decision-support system (DSS) tools with the community needs in the early warning information and service value chain through the following key components:
Support national framework for customized climate services
The project seeks to enhance the overall national institutional framework that underpins DRR/DRM planning, emergency response and disaster reporting till the local level. This initiative will capacitate representatives of NMHS, NDMA, local authorities and relevant agencies including media in the pilot areas on impact-based forecasting
and risk-based warning to help them better formulate and communicate early warning information. Customization and piloting of DSS to assist with last mile response, emergency management and long-term DRR are primary focal areas during implementation.
1. Streamline climate services for DRM in the pilot areas
- Support to NFCS for DRM sector
- Guidance on impact-based forecasting (IBF)
2. Customize Decision Support System for Disaster Risk Management
- Stocktaking of all hazard, vulnerability and risk maps and assessments as basis for IBF
- Development and customization of DSS for DRM
Support establishing end-to-end, people centered multi-hazard warning
The project will bolster mechanisms for early warning and anticipatory actions in the community in the broader framework of Forecast based Action (FbA). Activities in the community will also involve familiarizing community members with DRM plans and SOPs. Furthermore, this initiative will support integration of forecast-based triggers, EAPs and damage reports in the DSS for subsequent feedback in informing policy-making.
1. Effective End-to-End,People-Centered Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services
- Conducting hazard, vulnerability, capacity assessments
- Installing low-cost monitoring and communication equipment
- DRR planning and establishment of forecast-based EAPs
- Training, public awareness campaigns, drills and exercises
2. Roadmap for End-to-End People-Centered Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services
- Early warning audit and lessons sharing
- Integration of refined EAPs in the DSS
- Planning for DSS maintenance and scaling-up EAPs in other locations