Enhancing Data Availability

RIMES supports Member States in enhancing monitoring networks and data management systems to ensure data availability and address gaps in multi-hazard early warning information.

Establish and enhance observing and monitoring systems to generate climate and disaster related data of national and regional interest
Build data integration system to unify multiple data acquisition platforms and online services
Promote data sharing mechanism to leverage regional and global data bank and improve forecast products

Modeling and Forecasting

Global and Regional Cooperation for modeling & forecasting using global weather predictions and observations
Support NMHSs on producing high resolution localized hydro-meteorological forecasts
Support NTWCs on assessing hazard, vulnerability and exposure to potential earthquake, tsunami, and coastal inundation

RIMES co-develops models for risk and impact-based forecasting with Member States and fosters cooperation at national, regional and global levels for data sharing to improve accuracy and lead-time of forecasts.

Transforming Data into Actionable Information

RIMES provides expertise for building user-relevant, actionable and impact-based climate services that empower Member States for climate sensitive decision-making, resulting in greater socio-economic benefits.

Institutional Mechanisms for knowledge sharing and collaboration through seasonal, local and regional forums
Decision Support Systems for empowering decision makers with tools for generating impact-based forecasts, risk information and advisories
Tailor-made Services through co-production of services and web-tools in agriculture, water resources, transportation and public health

Community Outreach & Feedback

RIMES facilitates mechanisms for empowering local institutions and communities through actionable risk information and two-way interaction for enhanced resilience.

Pilot demonstrations on E2E EWS
Formulate and implement people-centered community based risk management actions, plans and protocols
Societal Application
Customize risk information to address societal as well as sectoral needs for information and services
Last Mile Communication
Develop and implement practical measures to transform forecasts and advisories into actionable information for last mile users

Capacity Building, Research & Development

Capacity Building on E2E EWS
Training on local data processing and application of forecast, warning, and response communication; graduate fellowship program
Applied Research Development of high-resolution climate models and integration of DRR and CCA into climate service delivery
Demand-driven Services Web application, toolkits, manuals and SOPs for effective implementation of risk response
Pillar 5

RIMES supports capacity building and innovates across the early warning service delivery spectrum to deliver cost-effective and sustainable solutions in line with the national and regional priorities.

In the News

RIMES in Action

Using megaphones, volunteers conduct awareness campaigns in vulnerable areas in Cox’s Bazar amidst heavy rainfall and other cascading hazards such as flash floods and landslides.
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Participants of the IBF Training
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Provati Workshop
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Our Recent Projects

In order to achieve RIMES' long-term goal of forearmed, forewarned, and resilient communities, RIMES works along the five pillars of the climate/weather information value chain to enhance early warning capacities in member states through various initiatives.

Recent Earthquakes

Source: The USGS Earthquake Hazards

Member Countries

As it continues its evolution, RIMES serves its 22 member states:

and 26 collaborating states: